Monday, July 23, 2012

My Own Domain

Oh, ada orang tanya bila saya start domain  nie? Tanggal 12 Julai 2012 dah selamat di activatekan. 

It is actually a prove that i am serious about doing this. And also, sounds more profesional and serious. intanpanda? Well, let's just say that it has become my nickname that i am comfortable with to be called among close friends. But when you have your own business (and it's an intimate wear set) and you start distributing cards and pamplets and promoting thru fb's n blog named 'intanpanda'... Errr, people might get confused that i may actually selling panda bears for adoption :-P

Awwwwww, comel kan? How not to adopt lah the baby panda tee hee...

So, after i am awarded as SSM- Senior Sales Manager dalam Hai-O nie baru lah nak aktifkan domain sendiri. Tapi tak apa lah, BETTER LATE THAN NEVER! Semoga dengan domain sendiri ini saya akan lebih gigih mengejar impian, matlamat dan cita-cita saya, kan?

intanpanda aka intanyusof now. disebelah beliau adalah intan 'kelly'lah :-D

Intan Masturah Yusof 
013-3900709    016-2180907 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mata Baby Ada Infection?

Tsk Tsk.. sian kan kalo mata baby ada infection, kalo orang Tganu dorang panggil 'Tembel'. Tapi kalo orang Utagha tuh 'tembel' means buta/rabun/tak nampak camtuh, kan? Okay dalam bahasa Omputeh infection mata pada baby ni dipanggil 'Stye' atau kadangkala di eja juga 'Sty'.

STYE atau STY. Tapi kami panggil 'Tembel'.

The description of stye - 
A sty forms when bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus infect one of the tiny oil glands at the base of an eyelash. The infection produces a tender, red, pus-filled (nanah) bump or boil. You may also notice some yellow or white discharge from the bump, and his eyelid may get a little crusty.A sty isn't dangerous, but it can be irritating, and it should be treated to keep it from turning into a more serious — and painful — infection.


Okay, Kelly kena stye dah 2 kali. Setelah ku google apakah tembel pada anak mama nie (takkan Kelly skodeng kot?!!). Actually its common to babies especially when they reach the curiosity stage where they crawl/ walk/ toddled around the house. Then she finds something tinee-weenie and discreetly puts it in her mouth ~ sigh.. Also when she's actually sleepy and cranky and started to rub her eyes. AHHA~ that's how she gets the stye.

The treatment?
Put warm towel compressed (WARM ya, not hot!) on baby's infected eye.
Bersihkan dulu mata baby kita dengan warm cotton ball. Lepas tuh guna tuala yg dibasahkan dengan air suam dan tekap pada mata baby kita. Buat 2-3 kali sehari dan guna tuala bersih setiap kali buat proses nie. Insyaallah..

Okay. Selamat mencuba yer :-)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Where Have I Been?

Where have i been ek? Owh saya misti mahu cerita panjang lebar di sini tapi cukup tak kalo bagi teaser gegambar sahaja, boleh gitu? hehehehehe

24-28 Mei 2012- Cuti-cuti Phuket bersama suami dan rakan2 penyelam beliau.

Depan Hard Rock Cafe Phuket

Facial yang sangat murah, RM30 sahaja complete ngan thai massage okey.

Errr ini kat tepi-tepi jalan. I kureng sikit sebab tak pasti ada serbis-serbis tambahan ke tak haha!

Must do for divers- tempah WETSUIT okey!!!! Murah murah MURAHHHH!!!

Thai Boxing di Phuket. mari saksikan LIVE. 

Sukan Sekolah Myra

22-24 Jun 2012 - Program sukarela Sirih Pulang Ke Gagang (SPKG) 2012 yang berlangsung di Maktab Rendah Sain Mara (MRSM), Kuantan.

Okey gambar2 lain nanti i upload. hehe. kata teaser kannnnnnn hikhik.